Kildare House Hotel, Kildare House Hotel, Dublin Street, Kildare, County Kildare, Ireland
STANDARD TERMS ANDCONDITIONSNo gatherings andparties of any nature are allowed in the room. The Kildare House Hotel Ltd reservesthe right to evict any additional occupants in the room.This reservation isnot transferable.In the event ofno-show, a fee of one night’s room charge (inclusive of any applicableprevailing government tax) will be charged to your credit card provided at thetime of reservation or as per any revised conditions of booking as per theoffer.Kildare House Hotel Ltd reserves the right to send guests away from the Kildare House Hotel due to theirconduct and behaviour or for any other safety, security, medical reasons. Thisapplies in particular, if Guests do not observe instructions given by Kildare House Hotel Ltdemployees, express themselves in a discriminating manner, harass orendanger other guests.Guests will not bepermitted to compromise the health, safety and security aspects of the Kildare House Hotel Ltdat any point of time.Guests are bound toproduce an original proof of identity at the time arrival in the Kildare House Hotel Ltd Special terms of offerwill be applicable for the respective bookings and in case of conflict, theterms of such special offers will prevail.Guests are not allowedto bring food and beverage from outside in the Kildare House Hotel or order foodfrom outside the Kildare House Hotel.The Kildare House Hotel Ltdundertakes no liability for the shelf life of the food which is taken away tothe Kildare House Hotel after an event at the Kildare House Hotelor taken outsidethe Kildare House Hotel Ltd for private consumption.In case of conflict inthe actual bill provided to you after the receipt of services, the terms of thebill will prevail.Neatness and hygieneshould be adequately maintained by the Guest. The Guest should always adhere tothe safety, security and hygiene advise duly provided by the Kildare House Hoteland should avoid breaching the same. The Guest will be solely responsible forany such violation if identified.All the assets andvaluables of the Kildare House Hotel should be duly maintained adequately andshould not be damaged or destroyed. The Kildare House Hotelhas the discretion tolevy any charges in future if it is proven beyond doubt that suchdamage/destruction to the asset of the Kildare House Hotel (both movable andimmovable) have been done or caused by the Guest.If you have anyallergies, sensitivities or intolerance to, but not limited to: a particularfabric, material, cleaning product or food, it is the Guests responsibility toadvise Kildare House Hotel Ltdmanagement prior to arrival.Kildare House Hotelcanstore your valuables upon request. The Kildare House Hotel is entitled to collecta charge for storage of these items.In case the items youwish to store are exceptionally valuable you must notify the Kildare House Hotelbefore storing. The Kildare House Hotel may refuse to store this kind ofvaluables.Management and staffwork hard to provide a safe and secure environment. We do everything possibleto ensure a secure environment is maintained and we ask that our guests doalso. The Kildare House Hoteltakes no responsibility for any personal possessionsthat are lost, stolen or misplaced whilst on the premises due to the acts andomissions of the guests themselves.Lost property found onthe premises is logged and kept in a secure location for a period of three (3)weeks. Thereafter items are either disposed of or donated to charity. TheKildare House Hotel Ltd accepts no responsibility for contacting individuals in relationto lost property. Perishable items retrieved from rooms after check out areonly held until close of business that day.Claimed items can becollected from the Kildare House Hotelwith valid identification or alternativelytheKildare House Hotel can arrange postage on behalf of the guest at theirexpense.The Kildare House Hotel Ltdis not responsible for damage or disappearance of vehicles kept in the parkingarea. Kildare House Hotel Ltd is not responsible for the property kept in the vehicleseither.The Company reservesthe right to change these terms and conditions at any time without priornotice. In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms andconditions shall be posted on this website immediately. Please check the latestinformation posted herein to inform yourself of any changes.We do our best toensure reservation arrangements are satisfactory, however, the Kildare House Hotel Ltd does not accept any liability for any loss financial or otherwise, traveldelay, injury, damage, additional expenses or inconvenience caused directly orindirectly by any events which are beyond our control. These include, but notlimited to, flight delays or cancellations, civil disturbance, defects invehicles, strikes, theft, acts of terrorism, natural disaster, pandemics,epidemics, war, fire, floods, acts of God, acts of Government or of any otherauthorities, changes to Government regulations, accident to or failure ofmachinery or equipment, maintenance requirements or industrial action.The transport to theairport is provided as an ancillary service and the Kildare House Hotel Ltdis notaccountable to whatsoever happens to the guests during such transits.GENERAL PROVISIONSBy proceeding with thereservation, you further agree and acknowledge that if the reservation isaccepted by the Kildare House Hotel, your stay subsequently shall be subject to the Kildare House Hotel Ltd’s Standard Terms and Conditions in respect of theirreservation / stay at the Kildare House Hotel Ltd.You further agree thatthe General Terms and Conditions as provided on the website of Kildare House Hotel Ltd shall constitute the binding agreement between yourself and Kildare House Hotel Ltdinrelation to any and all commercial arrangement including reservation, stay,payment, usage of facilities, etc. of whatsoever nature.TheKildare House Hotel Ltdmay, at its absolute discretion, cancel the reservation if theKildare House HotelB&Bis of the opinion that the reservation information provided is falsified orincomplete.Guest voluntarilyagrees and permits the Kildare House Hotel representatives to profile the guestfrom the public domain to ascertain the details of the guest and renderadequate hospitality services to them during their stay in theKildare House Hotel.The Kildare House Hotelshall be entitled to vary, amend and/or otherwise change these terms andconditions at any time without prior notice.You shall indemnifyand hold theKildare House Hotelharmless in respect of any liability, loss,damage, cost and expense of any nature arising out of, and/or in connectionwith the acceptance of the reservation and your stay in the Kildare House HotelLtd.The Kildare House Hotel Ltdshall not be liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses incurred by youas a result of any cancellation of the reservation by the Kildare House Hotel Ltd.The Kildare House Hotel Ltddoes not accept any liability for any failure by the Kildare House Hotel Ltd to complywith these conditions where such failure is due to circumstances beyond itsreasonable control.If the Kildare House Hotel Ltdwaives any rights available to it under these conditions on oneoccasion, this does not mean that those rights will automatically be waived onany other occasion.
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